
Klauer Heating & Air

Not all heating and air conditioning units are the same, just as not all HVAC contractors operate the same. In the case of Klauer Heating & Air Conditioning, the family owned and operated, third generation business, everyone is treated like family.

“Sixty years ago, or even 20, it was more of a numbers game. A homeowner needed a new furnace, and we had one option in our small arsenal to sell them,” said Steven Klauer. “Now, much more goes into finding the right solution for every household. Thanks to the many advancements in technology, there are a large number of options.”

Steven’s father started the business in 1987. After growing up in the HVAC industry, Steven didn’t expect his dad to push for a college education, but he reluctantly left home to get a four-year degree. After nearly 10 years away, Steven and his wife moved back to the Quad Cities, and he ended up right back in the family business. The full transition happened over time as his dad asked for help with odd jobs and, in 1997, Steven joined the union and became a full-time employee.

In keeping with the motto of treating everyone like family, Steven has created a low calculation bid which is the affordable option to cover today’s needs and stagger out remaining service or maintenance over time. It matters very little to the Klauer team which unit is currently in the home as they want to dig into every client’s needs to understand what makes the most sense to replace it with.

“When an HVAC system fails, we start at the beginning. We ask a lot of questions to find out what the homeowner liked or didn’t like about their old system and what they can afford right now,” Steven said.

Although he’s got plenty of office duties, Steven loves being out in the field, educating homeowners on the many advancements and options available.

“I spend the bulk of my day educating people about industry changes and what the equipment does, how it functions, etc. It is important to us that our customers are able to make educated decisions and, unlike in the past when only one A/C unit was on the market, we have a wide range of products to meet the needs of every home and building,” he said.

Another difference from past vs. present is technician education is now an ongoing process to stay up to date on industrial and technological advancements.

“We have highly trained technicians and, if you had told me that five years ago we’d be able to Bluetooth into the equipment, I wouldn’t have believed it,” Steven said. “The constant evolution of technology essentially ‘forces’ any resistance to change. If you don’t keep up with the changes, you fall behind.”

Over the years, decarbonization and electrification have become hot topics as energy efficiency and going green remain top of mind. Since the industry has gone from gas to more efficient geothermal and heat pump systems, Klauer is doing their part to leave behind a healthier planet for future generations.

Steven added, “A reduction in our dependence on fossil fuels is better for the environment but also maintains an efficiency standard in the home, making monthly heating and cooling bills more affordable. It’s a win-win when it’s good for the environment and the pocketbook.” As they look to the future and even more changes, including heat pumps to replace A/C units, Steven feels the same thrill and excitement he always has.

“We don’t expect to win every bid, but we do want every homeowner to have the tools to make a good decision. We’ll do everything in our power to ensure they’re well-versed and educated so they’re happier in the short and long runs.”

Klauer Heating & Air

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